
What if it doesn't fit?

No matter how carefully you measure yourself or your child, there will always be occasions where things don't feel quite right. We are more than happy to swap for another size or style provided the goods are in the same condition as when they left us and they are returned within 14 days.

Items which are difficult to size like shoes and rings can be swapped for another size provided they are in their original condition (rings MUST have the size label/tag still attached to the ring) and are returned within 14 days. Adequate protective packaging must be used to return the goods.

Due to hygiene reasons there are a few items which can not be exchanged; dance wigs, underwear, socks and earrings.

If the goods are faulty we will meet our obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act to provide a remedy.

Although we do not refund items that are not damaged or faulty, we are happy to exchange for items of the same value.

We may be contacted by email at: enquiries@mcphees.co.nz


Do you have any contacts for the Clan Societies in New Zealand?

We are happy to provide links to the NZ Clan Associations - just contact us and we will add them to the list.

  1. The McPhee Clan Society of New Zealand - email Glen McPhee (the President) at tracka1@xtra.co.nz - Website is http://www.mcpheeclansocietynz.com
  2. Clan MacLean Association of New Zealand - email Arthur Dickinson (Vice President) at val.arthur@gmail.com. No website but their facebook page is Clan Maclean NZ https://www.facebook.com/ClanMacleanNZ?fref=ts
  3. Clan MacKenzie Society of New Zealand - www.clan-mackenzie.org.nz   Membership details on page. Also on facebook Clan-MacKenzie-Society-of-New-Zealand-Incorporated Sales Manager, Margaret Davis  04 3835011

Do you have names of Pipers who will play for weddings, funerals etc?

Yes, we do. If you let me know the venue and occasion I will email you back with a couple of people in your area who might be able to help you out. I do not know how much they charge and I do not get any commission for this. It is just a referral from our contact list.

Do you know of any Highland Dancing teachers in my area?

Yes, we have contact details of classes in the Wellington area and we can also give you a first point of call for most areas in New Zealand.

In Wellington - this is a new dance studio currently operating from Johnsonville

Reel Feet Dance

In Nelson

Helen Dance Advert

Denise Matheson

In Timaru

Tiptoe Dance

Amanda Ruemenapf

Tip Toe Dance

Disciplines: Highland and Jazz dancing

Ages: Preschool right through to adults

Studio areas: Timaru, Fairlie and Geraldine

Phone: 027 941 9996

Email: tiptoedancenz@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tiptoedancenz


Do you know of any Scottish Country Dancing Groups in my area?

Scottish Country Dancing Groups operate all over the country and are a great way to keep the mind and body active. Also handy to know the dances if you are attending a Ceilidh or Ball.

To find the nearest group to you, go to  http://www.dancescottish.org.nz/directory.php and click on Regions and Groups or email secretary@dancescottish.org.nz..

For Wellington information try any of these email addresses:






lowerhutt @dancescottish.org.nz

ngaio @dancescottish.org.nz






Contacts for Hastings: Phone 06 878 7272 or go to www.hscdc.co.nz. Meet on Wednesday evenings.

If anyone has contact details for their area and would like me to add them to this list please email me at enquiries@mcphees.co.nz.


Do you know when the next Ceilidh or Ball is scheduled?

Only if people let me know. I try and post details to our facebook account (McPhee"s Celtic) as soon as I get notification of any Scottish, Irish or Welsh events that are imminent.

One regular event is the second Saturday of every month at the Piping Hall in Newtown. Phone 04 976 4252 for details, or take a look at www.wellingtongaelicclub.org.nz.

Payment Options

If I don't have a credit card can I still purchase from you?

Yes, you can.

We can take payment by internet banking but payment must be made promptly. If you do not have a credit card, email us with your address and a list of the products required. If you are in New Zealand and the order totals more than $50.00 then courier is free of charge. If the order totals less than $50.00 then courier is $7.50.

We will email you the bank account details to enable you to make payment. If payment is not received within 48 hours the order will be deleted and goods returned to stock.

We do not accept cheques or cash. 

What is PAYPAL?

PAYPAL(For full information go to www.paypal.com or click on the Paypal logo on the Home Page of this website.)

PayPal, the trusted leader in online payments, enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money online. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in 190 countries and regions. It's accepted by merchants everywhere, both on and off eBay.

Is it safe to use? PayPal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with the merchant.

Why use PayPal?

  • Make purchases or send money with PayPal - it"s free
  • Shop and pay conveniently by saving your information with PayPal
  • PayPal is accepted by millions of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay

You Do need to set up an account to use PAYPAL but once set up it is easy to use.

How do I pay?

Either order through the website using Paypal, Afterpay or by entering your credit or debit card number directly. We use Windcave (formally Payment Express) as a 3rd party gateway which means the website transfers to DPS to accept the payment. We do not see the numbers and do not store the numbers.

Windcave (Click here to go to Windcave website for more information) is a high growth, innovative global leader in payment technology. Providing PCI DSS compliant payment solutions under the Payment Express brand, they are certified with all major card schemes. You will probably recognise the logo as many websites use this gateway.


Pricing and Tax

Do the prices include GST?

Prices shown are in NZD (New Zealand Dollar) and include GST of 15%.GST applies to all goods or services consumed within New Zealand. There are no local taxes in New Zealand.

If you are resident OUTSIDE New Zealand and login as a customer (thus, putting your address into the system) the GST will be excluded from the price showing on the website. Please note that all countries have different rules and thresholds for taxable items. We are not responisible for any duty or taxes your Government chooses to apply when the goods reach your border.

If you are resident INSIDE New Zealand all prices will include GST, whether you are logged in as a customer, or not.


What is the meaning of Celtic Design?

Again, a question I am asked all the time. This is a question I tried very hard to answer when I first bought McPhee's ten years ago. I thought there would be an encyclopedia of Celtic knots - their names, what they looked like and what they meant. No such thing!

Most individual knots do not have a particular meaning. Sometimes a manufacturer will assign a name to a design for convenience in recognising and selling their jewellery or scarves or notepaper designs. They might call a knot "Love" or "Peace" but they are names they have given them and are not universally recognised names for a particular knot.

Only two knots are widely recognised as universal names - the trinity and the triscele. The trinity, in particular is seen in a myriad of interpretations, sometimes on its own, sometimes a knot might consist of several trinity knots woven together. The trinity pre-dates Christianity and does NOT mean Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Celts thought that the number 3 was a lucky number and incorporated threes into a lot of their designs. The idea behind all Celtic design is the continuity of life, or the Circle of life; Life, Death, The Afterlife. A Celtic knot will never end and always double back on itself. The is one way to tell the difference between some Viking designs and the Celtic. The Viking might stop abruptly at the edge of a circle whereas a Celtic knot is eternal.



Do you buy and sell second hand kilts or jackets?

We do not buy second hand kilts. Our advice is to list them on one of the online trading sites.

Better still, try contacting your local Scottish Country Dancing Group, there are always men there who would be keen to get a second hand kilt.

Go to their website http://dancescottish.org.nz/

Click on "Regions and Clubs" and you will get a list of all clubs in NZ. There is bound to be one near you.

For kilts make sure you list a waist size, the length and what tartan it is. Ensure it is a kilt and not a kilted skirt because there is a lot of difference between them and I have lost count of the people who have told me they have a kilt for sale, when it is, in fact, a kilted skirt. You could get into trouble for mislabelling the item so try and sort it out before you list it.

Some ways to tell the difference:

Kilts are heavier and will generally be between 23 and  27 inches from top to bottom. A kilted skirt is lighter weight and could be any length - mini or maxi.

Any velcro - it is a kilted skirt.

Kilts will normally have three buckles and wide straps. A kilted skirt might have just one or two thin straps and velcro, or a button on the under-apron.

The reason it is important to get it right is that they differ widely in price. Second hand kilt in good condition $300 - $500, second hand kilted skirt $50 - $150.


Do you provide a guarantee?

We guarantee all products to be of merchantable quality, and as advertised. I have tried to accurately describe products with type of metal, dimensions etc. If you believe something is unclear or would like more information please email or phone and we will try and answer your query.

We comply with the Consumer Guarantees Act and abide by the rules laid out in the Act. If any product is faulty we will swap for another item, or, if there is no alternative offer a refund.

For products that don't fit, we will swap for another size, provided the goods are returned in the same condition they were sent. The exception being socks which we can not exchange for hygiene reasons.

We do not offer refunds if you have changed your mind about a purchase. We have had problems in the past with people ordering dancing shoes with no intention of keeping them and this led us to instigate the rule on no refunds for shoes. We are more than happy to swap for another size or style.



What is the cost of freight?

All freight charges are described in full on our Shipping page.

Are the products in stock right now?

Yes, most of them are in stock. We are not like a lot of websites who say they are New Zealand websites but actually deliver all their orders from Hong Kong.

We are in Levin and we have most of the stock on site. Any item not immediately available will have it noted in the description. It will be described as a Pre-Order. These are generally items where there are a huge number of variations available e.g. clan items and tartan items. There are over 500 tartans available in most of the tartan products and we can't stock all of them.

We can never give a 100% guarantee as someone might do an order over the phone five minutes before you do your internet order, but that is rare. The website will deduct stock when it is ordered and reduce the quantity. If the quantity is reduced to zero it takes it off the website so that it is not visible to customers. If someone does a phone order the stock is manually adjusted so the website remains in synch.

How long will it take for me to receive my order?

Most orders are sent the day or day after the order is received. Things take a bit longer now we are living in a rural location, as parcels have to be taken to a depot rather than being picked up from us. We use overnight courier within New Zealand so when the parcels are delivered to the depot it will then be dispatched overnight for delivery next day. Rural delivery might take longer. All rural deliveries are different - some still get there the next day, others take a few days.

Most products online are available for immediate dispatch. If they are not, it will be noted in the product description. Generally the only items not immediately available are clan items (where there are 100 options and we don't have all the clans in stock) and tartan items which are made to order in Scotland so there is the delay while the items are made and then shipped from Scotland to New Zealand.

The only other items which might not be immediately available are dancing shoes. We have built up an extensive stock of dancing shoes and generally have one of every size in every brand. If someone has ordered your size the day before you have, it might take a couple of weeks to be shipped in from the U.K.

This is rare as we re-order every couple of weeks and re-stock any sizes that have sold out.

If you have any doubts about availability drop us an email at enquiries@mcphees.co.nz or phone us on 04 476 0139.


Irish Dancing Shoes FAQ

Irish Pumps Sizing Comparison Table

UK US Euro Foot (mm) Loop/ Eclipse Gazelle /Elite Hullachan
7.5 9.5 25.5 152-154   7 7.5
8 10 26 155-158   7.5 8
8.5 10.5 26.5 159-162 7 8 8.5
9 11 27 163-167 7.5 8.5 9
9.5 11.5 27.5 168-171 8 9 9.5
10 12 28 172-175 8.5 9.5 10
10.5 12.5 28.5 176-180 9 10 10.5
11 13 29 181-184 9.5 10.5 11
11.5 13.5 29.5 185-189 10 11 11.5
12 1 30 190-194 10.5 11.5 12
12.5 1.5 31 195-198 11 12 12.5
13 2 31.5 199-201 11.5 12.5 13
13.5 2.5 32 202-205 12 13 13.5
1 3 33 206-209 12.5 13.5 1
1.5 3.5 33.5 210-214 13 1 1.5
2 4 34 215-218 13.5 1.5 2
2.5 4.5 35 219-222 1 2 2.5
3 5 36 223-226 1.5 2.5 3
3.5 5.5 36.5 227-230 2 3 3.5
4 6 37 231-234 2.5 3.5 4
4.5 6.5 37.5 235-237 3 4 4.5
5 7 38 238-241 3.5 4.5 5
5.5 7.5 38.5 242-245 4 5 5.5
6 8 39 246-249 4.5 5.5 6
6.5 8.5 40 250-253 5 6 6.5
7 9 41 254-257 5.5 6.5 7
7.5 9.5 41.5 258-261 6 7 7.5
8 10 42 262-266 6.5 7.5 8
8.5 10.5 42.5 267-270 7 8 8.5
9 11 43 271-274 7.5 8.5 9
9.5 11.5 44 275-278 8 9  
10 12 45 279-282 8.5 9.5  
10.5 12.5 45.5 283-287 9 10  
11 13 46 288-291 9.5    
11.5 13.5 46.5 292-296 10    
12 14 47 297-300      

Jig Shoe Sizing Guide

Please remember that while following the guidance below will help you get the correct size, the foot is a three dimensional shape and factors such as the depth of the arch will also affect sizing which we are unable to account for here.

A good start is to check their sports trainers, football boots, netball shoes etc. The Euro and UK sizing are often shown on a piece of fabric sewn into the tongue of the shoe.

On a general note, jig shoes should not be purchased too large as the ball of the foot needs to sit correctly in the shoe to be able to generate the required sound with the tips. Jig shoes which are too large also make toe walking and more advanced techniques very difficult. A little toe wiggle room is fine but the distance from the tip of the longest toe to the top of the shoe should be no more than 5-10mm (depending on the level of the dancer).

Antonio Pacelli Jig Shoes

We recommend that you order your normal UK school shoe or dress shoe size (Please see below for our UK/US/EU conversion chart). If you have a wide foot then we would suggest you go up half a size and order the wider fitting. Our wider fitting jig shoe has a rounded toe which gives more room for the toes.


Sizing Guide for Boys" Reel Shoes

Traditional Boys Reel Shoe (Leinster or Concorde Heel)

We recommend that you purchase your normal school or dress shoe size. If you have a wider foot we suggest you add half a size.


What is the difference between the tips and heels in the Irish Dancing Shoes?

Tips & Heels Guide: Understanding the different types of tips and heels.

Which combination of tip and heel should I go for?


Leinster Tip

Leinster tips are beginner/intermediate level tips and perfect for those new to Irish dance or who are not competing at a senior level.

They are made from highly compressed materials to create a tip which offers a bright clear tone.

As with all our tips, the Leinster tip has a large "Toe Stand" square at the front to make toe walking and getting on your toes easier.

Concorde Tip

Concorde tips are Open/Championship level tips and are worn by many of the world's top dancers.

They are made from a composite material which is a mix of several ingredients, all tightly compressed together to create a very high density material.

Not only are they very loud, they also produce an excellent tone and depth of sound. If you prefer a brighter, crisper sound then we would recommend the Liberty tip.

They are so tough, it is very unlikely you will need to replace them over the life of the shoe!

All of our tips now have a large "Toe Stand" square at the front to make toe walking and getting on your toes easier.

Liberty Tip

The Liberty tip is our latest Open/Championship level tip and is also worn by many of the world's top dancers.

They are made from a mixture of high performance materials, all tightly compressed together to create a very compact, density material.

The sound of the Liberty tip is a clear, crisp sound with a high resonance which is unique to the Liberty tip. It produces a higher frequency than our Concorde tip and the Liberty tip is often described as a "gun shot" due to its sharp sound on impact.

All of our tips now have a large "Toe Stand" square at the front to make toe walking and getting on your toes easier.


Leinster Heel

The Leinster heel is a hard wearing straight polymer heel. The heel is light and easy to dance in and produces a satisfying sound when clicked. A great heel for beginners or intermediate dancers.

Concorde Heel

The Concorde heel is an Open/Championship level heel made from the same composite materials as our Concorde Tips,  which is a mix of several ingredients, all tightly compressed together to create a very high density material.

They are a solid heel with a white nylon top piece which enhances the overall sound quality.

They also have a curve on the inside of the heel to improve the accuracy of heel clicks and ensures a nice "shot gun" sound when clicked.

The most popular heel for experienced Irish dancers.

How to do a Foot Tracing for Dance Shoes

Getting the correct size in jig shoes and pumps can be difficult, especially if you are moving between styles.

If you are unsure what size to purchase then measuring your foot can be a useful indicator of what size to go for.

Here are our top tips for creating an accurate measurement.

  1. Place a clear piece of A4 paper up against a wall so that the edge of the paper touches the wall.
  2. Put on the socks you normally wear when dancing and place your foot on the paper and put your heel up against the wall. (Double check that the paper is still touching the wall once you have put your foot on it just incase it has moved). Foot tracing Guide
  3. Once you are happy that both the paper and your heel are against the wall, relax your foot and toes and draw a line at the longest point of the foot (or ask a friend or family member to do this for you).
  4. Now take the paper and draw a straight line to the longest point and measure with a ruler. Foot tracing Guide
  5. This is the measurement you will need to work out what size to order.

Please note that while this method is a good way of assessing the correct size, we cannot guarantee that this method will deliver the correct size in 100% of cases.

Any queries give me a bell and I can talk you through it. It is not a BIGGIE if you get it wrong as we are more than happy to swap sizes if they don"t fit.

Highland and Scottish Country Dancing Shoes 

Where can I get an Academy diced, highland dancing hat?

Highland Hats Made to Order (At last, I hear you cry) in Christchurch.

Attached are some pics of the hats, although they can also be made with the pom poms the same colour as the velvet and slightly smaller.

Hi my name is Milli and I make highland hats. The band on the hat is machine made so it will look stunning on stage. All I need is 40cm of velvet and a sample of the tartan so I can match colours for the hat bands. Also need daughter's head measurement and the feather if you want me to sew it in. Total cost to make the hat including the band is $150. My cellphone number is 027 675 2963 and I live in Christchurch.

Purple Highland Hat      Highland Hats Blue Highland Dancing HatMade to measure highland dance hats Contact Info

Highland and SCD Sizing Comparison Table

Highland Shoe Sizing
MM UK Euro   PW Pumps PW Jig Hullachan  JS Duchess JS J Fancy JS Strathspey
130 5.5 22            
133 6 22.5            
140 6.5 23            
143 7 23.5            
146 7.5 24            
152 8 24.5            
156 8.5 25     9.5     10.5
159 9 26     10     11
165 9.5 27   10 10.5     11.5
168 10 27.5 10 10.5 10.5     11.5
171 10.5 28 10.5 11 11   10 12
178 11 29 11 11.5 11.5   10.5 12.5
181 11.5 30 11 11.5 12   11 13
184 12 30.5 11.5 12 12.5   11.5 13.5
191 12.5 31 12 12.5 13   12 1
194 13 31.5 12.5 13 13.5   12.5 1.5
198 13.5 31.5 13 13.5 1   13 2
202 1 32 13.5 1 1.5   13.5 2.5
206 1.5 33 1 1.5 2   1 3
210 2 33.5 1 1.5 2.5 2 1.5 3
214 2.5 34 1.5 2 3 2.5 2 3.5
219 2.5 35 2 2.5 3 2.5 2 4
221 3 35 2.5 3 3.5 3 2.5 4.5
225 3.5 36 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 3 5
229 4 36 3 3.5 4 4 3.5 5
230 4 37 3.5 4 4.5 4 3.5 5.5
233 4.5 37.5 3.5 4 4.5 4.5 4 5.5
237 5 38 4 4.5 5 5 4.5 6
240 5.5 39 4.5 5 5.5 5.5 5 6.5
246 6 39.5 5 5.5 5.5 6 5.5 6.5
250 6.5 40 5 5.5 6 6.5 6 7
254 7 41 5.5 6 6 7 6.5 7
257 7.5 41.5 6 6.5 6.5 7.5 7 7.5
260 8 42 6.5 7 7 8 7.5 8
267 8 1/2 42.5 7 7.5 7.5 8.5 8 8.5
271 9 43 7.5 8 8.5 9 8.5 9.5
279 9 1/2 44 8 8.5 9 9.5 9 10
281 10 44 8 8.5 9.5   9.5 10.5
286 10 1/2 44.5 8.5   10   10 11
290 11 45     10.5   10.5 11.5
294 11.5 46     11   11 12
298 12 46.5     11.5   11.5 12.5
303 12.5 47         12 1
307 13 48         12.5 1
311 13.5 49         13 1