Hullachan Highland Huggies CLEARANCE ONLY 1 and 2 LEFT

Was: $181.60
Now: $70.00
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The new Highland Hugs have a revolutionary new heel design. The heel uses a stretch fabric to create an ultra-secure fit, a perfect heel shape and a stunning arch profile.

The fabric adjusts to the changing shape of a dancer’s heel while they dance, so the ghillie always feel secure and always delivers the wow factor. When you dance the shape of your heel is continually changing, depending on whether you are pointing your feet, leaping through the air, or up high on your toes. Hullachan Hug heels continually adapts while you dance, ensuring the pumps feel secure at all times, whatever the step. 

You will be amazed at the difference.

The Highland Hugs are fitted with Hullachan’s Clever Insoles™ – a dual layer insole which brings the latest tech in cushioning and comfort into Highland dance ghillies. The first layer provides offers best in class shock absorbency, protecting knees and joints and the second layer is a cushioned layer for a feeling of complete comfort and luxury.

Clever insoles absorbs over 90% of impact, protecting knees, hips and ankles from small strains which can impact your longer term performance. No dancer wants to step back from a competition due to injury, so let our Clever Insoles take the strain so you can focus on performing at your very best.

Please note that we have designed the heel pad to be removed if desired without damaging the pump. In our test half the dancers like the heel pad, the other half preferred to dance without it. As a compromise we have kept the heel pad but only lightly glued it so it can be easily removed. if your heel pad becomes accidentally detached then it can be reglued with a simple contact adhesive.

These pumps are U.K. shoe sizes. (Same sizing as Hullachan HHC)

Current Size Range in Stock - UK Size 1 to 7.

Please note that while we are more than happy to exchange shoes for another size or brand we do not offer refunds. We have had to implement this policy as a result of people buying shoes with no intention of keeping them.